This Page is here as a way of exploring how to best make some of the materials I developed at West Dean available to a wider public.
Workshop Setup
These documents were produced as input to a business plan. To help me understand what I needed when setting up a horological workshop. They also help direct expenditure so I'm not wasting money during setup on things I don't really need.
Detailed list describing the tools needed to set up as a solo horologist. Whilst at West Dean I took the opportunity to pick the brains of Tutors, visiting experts and colleagues as input to my business plan.
Covers: What should be bought, what quality to look for, when to buy, how much to pay, and where to go to buy them.
(Note, Dec 2016. I'd probably make some tweaks to this if I had time, but it is still a useful document if used with restraint, and people have asked for it to be here)
Detailed list describing the consumables needed when working solo horologist. As with the tools list I took the opportunity whilst at West Dean to pick the brains of tutors, visiting experts and colleagues as input to my business plan. As with the tools list, I'd probably make some minor tweaks to this if I had the time, but it is also a useful and asked for document)
Covers: What should be bought, when, where and how much to pay.
Building a Clock
Documents from the production of a simple Hoop-and-Spur clock made as a first year exercise whilst at West Dean. These may be of use to anyone contemplating making their own clock as they document what is involved!
Scale drawings produced during the production of the clock. Used to work out many problems before actually cutting material.
Project plans. PERT/Network to work out sequencing, Gantt for work tracking. Shows all the steps taken, and the times for most of them. Note: This was a first year clock, timings are quite generous as there was a lot of learning involved
Produced as a part of my first year portfolio. Describes/illustrates some of the technical stages.
Business Planning
Marketing and Financial inputs for a business plan. It should be emphasised that the research that went into these documents was of necessity limited, so use with caution.
Examines which groups of people may be interested in horological services, how many are in each, how easy they are to sell to, and the constraints that might apply when dealing with them.
Looks at services a solo horologist might offer and the constraints that may apply. (e.g. some services are mutually exclusive, others may need capital expenditure.)
Cross references the attractiveness of Services to Customer groups, and hence helps identify potential markets.
Looks at possible routes to specialisation. In business terms this can be important. Finding a profitable, defensible, niche allows reduction of costs, improved productivity and better service for clients.
Non workshop set up costs, with budget and procurement notes. Similar in format to the Tools and Consumables lists above.
Looks at the ongoing business costs of working as a solo horologist. Produced as an input into Cash Flow calculations.
Income Calculator
[TBA] Small example business model. Written using Apple's "Numbers" spreadsheet.
... a conversion to Excel here?
[To Follow] Templates for different types of reports. e.g. Surveys, Assessments, Treatments.